Young Carers

A Young Carer is someone who is under the age of 18 who helps to look after someone in their family, a friend, who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or misuses drugs or alcohol.

As a school we recognise and understand that some pupils may have caring roles at home. At KHP we strive to create a safe and nurturing environment to support all our pupils to achieve the best they can. We have developed a policy to support our Young Carers available on our website.

We have been recognised for our work and support with Young Carers and Kents Hill Park are proud to have been awarded the Young Carers In Schools Bronze Award.

 Young Carers are at particular risk of under-performing in education, so it is important that we support our pupils in to fulfil their potential whilst allowing them to manage their responsibilities or get the support they require.

We are able to refer pupils to Young Carers MK, who work specifically with Young Carers across Milton Keynes to ensure they have access to the resources they require and respite they need. We also know that every pupil is unique and has individual needs. If you are aware of any pupils who may be a Young Carer, or are a Young Carer yourself, please speak to Miss Brassington who is available to talk about what steps can be taken in order to support your unique situation.

The school actively seeks feedback from Young Carers and their families to shape and improve support.

The school has designated leads for Young Carers and their families:

Young Carers Support Coordinator: Miss E. Brassington

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss E. Harris

Information and Resources:

·          Young Carers

·          NHS Social Care

·          Carers UK

·          Children’s Society

·          Young Minds 

·          Action for Children