Year 2 Spellings

This half term, we will be continuing to learn the Year 2 spelling rules as well as the Year 2 common exception words. Printed spellings will be sent home each Monday and tested the following Monday.
New spellings sent home – each Monday                            Spelling Quiz – following Monday

Task – The children will be sent home with ten spellings each week. For this half-term, the spellings will be common exception words (we refer to them as ‘red’ / ‘tricky’ words at school) and words that follow Year 1 spelling rules.

Common exception words are words that do not follow regular phonics patterns. Therefore, they are words that we need to learn how to spell.

The spellings should be practised everyday using the look-say-cover-write-check method:

LOOK carefully at the word

SAY the word aloud a few times

COVER the word with their hand

WRITE it down on their spellings sheet

CHECK if they were correct

Common Exception Words

These are words that are exceptions to phonics or spelling rules. It is important that your child can read and spell these with confidence. Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words

High Frequency Words

These are words that are most frequent in books and needed when writing. It is important that your child can both read and spell these words to aid their fluency. First 100 High Frequency Words