Summer 2 – Homework Project

As we enter the final term of the school year, we will be looking back at our time at

Kents Hill Park Primary.

If you have lost your homework, please remind yourself of the guidance here…

Sum 2 2024 Y6 HOMEWORK My KHP Journey

Reading at Home

Remember to read regularly at home. It’s important your child reads to you but you reading to them can be really beneficial too!

Please record home reading in your child’s reading journal. If they read independently and write this into their own journal, please initial what they have written.

Click here for recommended reading lists for Year 6


Reading Rocket Race

1. Read SEVEN times a week at home to earn an entry into our reading rocket race raffle! Each half-term a lucky winner from each class will be the recipient of a brand new reading book of their choosing.

2. You will earn house points for each week you read 4 times.

3. Each week we add your number of home reads onto your running total.
Watch the Reading Rocket Race in your classroom to see who is in the lead to have their name engraved upon our school plaque at the end of the year!

4. If more than one read is recorded on a single date that counts as one read.

For example:
11.9.22 – The Giant Turnip – p1-5
11.9.22 – Cinderella – p15-20
12.9.22 – The Giant Turnip – p6-9
13.9.22 – The Giant Turnip – p10-END
= Three home reads

5. The class with the most reads each week wins our reading rocket race mascot Peter Rabbit.

Good luck and happy reading!

Times Tables 

Confident and accurate times tables recall is a critical skill that all children require. It enables them to work efficiently when problem solving across the maths curriculum and is a necessity for everyday life. It is expected that children know all of their times tables, and related division facts, up to 12×12 by the end of Year 4. This knowledge should then be consolidated and strengthened in Years 5 and 6. We will be focusing on the recall of all times tables, up to 12 x 12, including division facts, as well as applying these facts to wider contexts.

Times tables are tested every week. We will keep you updated on what times table your child is working on by sending home a certificate when they complete each level. Please support them to strengthen their recall at home.

Times Table Rock Stars

To support the children in learning their times tables and to quicken their recall, we are excited to share information about our school-wide subscription to Times Tables Rock Stars. Each child creates their own rock star avatar and competes against the clock by answering carefully sequenced multiplication questions.

All children have a personal account and their login details are stuck into the back of their Reading Diaries. Their account can be accessed from home via the Times Tables Rock Stars website ( or by downloading the free app.

We encourage the children to use this as much as possible as it will strengthen their recall speed and accuracy.

How to log in to the website:

  2. Click ‘Login’ tab and select ‘School Pupils’
  3. When asked for school name / postcode – type ‘MK7’ then select our school name
  4. Enter username and password (stuck in the back of your child’s Reading Diary)

How to log in to the app:

  1. Download the app in your phone’s app store
  2. Select ‘School’ then ‘Student’
  3. When asked for school name / postcode – type ‘MK7’ then select our school name
  4. Enter username and password (stuck in the back of your child’s Reading Journal)

When playing, there are a variety of games the children can select:  

Single Player

  • Garage – practice your speed recall. This mode will keep asking you questions you need to work on and have been set by your class teacher.
  • Jamming – choose question types yourself but ensure to challenge yourself!
  • Studio – when you are ready for up to 12×12, complete 10 games to earn your rock status.
  • Soundcheck – 25 questions, 6 seconds per question. It is recommended that this is completed at least once a week.


  • Festival – play against any TTRS user (this is anonymous and members cannot chat to one another). This mode asks any question up to 12×12.
  • Arena – class battles – play against others in your class by joining at the same time. This mode will ask you questions that have been set by your class teacher.
  • Rockslam – challenge a member of your class. This mode asks any question up to 12×12.

When any of the above games are completed, children earn coins that they can use to upgrade their rock avatar. These coins also act as points for class and school-wide competitions that will be set up and shared with the children.

If you require support getting started or using the website / app, please come and speak with your child’s class teacher.

Let’s rock and roll!

Additional subscriptions

Remember you also have log in details for the following in the back of your Reading Journal:

Completing the tasks provided will further support your learning.


Each Monday, a list of spellings words will be sent home for your child to learn. These words will be tested each Friday.

Spelling lists for the whole half term can be found on the year group spelling page –