Year 1 Curriculum

Going Wild

Our exciting half-term of learning will commence with a Super Start. Our first core text is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ so our super start will be a magic bean treasure hunt around our school! Can the children follow the clues to find each magic bean before their time runs out? For our Marvellous Middle we plan to invite parents in to help the children make their own crown and cloak so that we can officially crown them King or Queen of Seacole class in a special coronation ceremony! Finally, for our Fabulous Finish we will design our own coronation flag in preparation for the king’s coronation later this year.

Click here to see what we will be learning about each week (Year 1 Summer 2 MTP)

Manners Curriculum

Excellent manners are extremely important. Each week we will focus on strengthening a different social skill.

Click here to see our Manners Curriculum for Foundation and Key Stage One


Our Topics This Year

Autumn 1 – The World Around Us

Autumn 2 – Wonderful Water

Spring 1 – Fire! Fire!

Spring 2 – Kings, Queens and Castles

Summer 1 – Our School

Summer 2 – Going Wild