Our Curriculum

Fun on the Farm & Pesky Pirates

We cannot believe that we are into our final half term in Foundation, but what an exciting half term we have planned! Our learning will be split into two topics ‘Pesky Pirates’ and ‘Fun on The Farm’. For our Super Start, we will be setting sail on our pirate adventure. We will be creating and following maps, digging for treasure and hopefully not walking the plank! For our Marvellous Middle, we will be hosting our very own ‘Pirate Day’ where the children will come to school dressed like pirates. For our Fabulous Finish, we will be bringing our ‘Fun on The Farm’ learning to life, in the form of a very exciting visit to Mead Open Farm.


Foundation KHP Medium Term Overview Summer 2-2024

Foundation Medium Term Plan Summer 2 2024

Manners Curriculum

Excellent manners are extremely important. Each week we will focus on strengthening a different social skill.

Click here to see our Manners Curriculum for Foundation and Key Stage One