Mrs Sabrah Manatsa

Year 4 Class Teacher

I taught across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two in Buckinghamshire and Essex.  It was a dream for me to teach children from quite an early stage of my working life.  I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful childhood, thanks to my friends, family and teachers.  I cherish the prospect of giving back and having a positive impact on children’s learning at Kents Hill Park Primary.  As a new school, this is a fantastic opportunity to grow with it and help the pupils go from strength to strength.

Before my PGCE, I decided to do a Psychology degree.  This has helped to gain a better understanding of individual differences and fuels my passion for mental health and how it impacts learning. I have worked as a PSHE teacher and found joy in teaching children values such as self-acceptance, emotional literacy and mindfulness.

I am married and blessed with two beautiful children (my little cherubs).  I love going for long walks in the countryside with my family to connect with nature and to reset my soul.  I also enjoy up-cycling objects, giving them a new lease of life.  I do Yoga for fitness and meditate to maintain a positive outlook towards life.