Key Policies and Statements

Paper copies are available on request by emailing the school office at or by calling the school on 01908 533290

Privacy Notice

Alternative Provision Policy December 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy February 2024

Attendance Policy December 2023

Behaviour Management Policy May 2024

British Values and SMSC Policy September 2020

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy May 2024

Careers Provider Access Statement – May 2024

Careers Provision Confidentiality and Data Protection Statement for Pupils May 2024

Charging Policy

KET Complaints Policy May 2024

KET Complaints Procedure for non parent – carers May 2024

Curriculum Policy November 2022

KET Combined Data Protection FOI Policy March 2023

Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Look After Children May 2024

Disability Access Plan February 2024

Exams Policy March 2022

Equality Objectives July 2023

First Aid and Medical Arrangements Policy February 2024

Health and Safety Policy December 2023

Intimate Care Policy October 2022

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

KET Health & Safety Policy December 2023

KET First Aid Policy May 2024

Late Collection Policy – Primary February 2024

Managing Aggressive Behaviour from Parents, Carers and Visitors February 2024

Online Safety Policy May 2024

Photography Policy December 2021

Physical Control and Restraint Policy May 2024

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Report 2021 2022

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020 2021

Pupil Premium Report 2022 – 2023

Pupil Premium Report 2023-2024

KET Radicalisation and Extremism Policy April 2021

KET Retentions Policy March 2022

KET Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy May 2024

KET Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy from 1st Sept 2024

School Trips and Visits Policy May 2024

SEND Information Report 2023 – 2024

SEND Policy December 2023

Sex and Relationships Education Policy May 2024

KET Single Equality Policy July 2023

Social Networking for School Staff Policy July 2023

Sports Premium Report 2021-22

Sports Premium Report 2022-23

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions February 2024

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy October 2022

Uniform and Equipment Policy All Through – February 2024

Use of the School Minibus Policy September 2021

Young Carers Policy May 2024

KET Whistleblowing Policy December 2023