Special Educational Needs

At Kents Hill Park School, we are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for all our students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our vision and values guide us in ensuring that every child is given the opportunity to thrive and succeed, regardless of their individual needs.

Our Approach to SEND:

  • Inclusive School Life: We believe in the full inclusion of pupils with SEND in all aspects of school life. Our aim is to create a welcoming and supportive community where every child feels valued and accepted.
  • Holistic Opportunities: We are dedicated to offering diverse opportunities for students with SEND, both inside and outside the classroom. From tailored learning support to extracurricular activities, we strive to nurture the talents and interests of all our pupils.
  • Proactive Staff: Our staff members are proactive and reflective in their approach to supporting students with SEND. They continuously seek ways to improve and adapt their practises, ensuring that every child receives the personalised care they deserve.
  • Individualised Support: We recognise that every child is unique, with varying needs and strengths. Our approach to SEND is rooted in the understanding that tailored support and accommodations are essential for each student to reach their full potential.

For Pupils and Parents:

  • Pupils: Students with SEND are encouraged to explore their abilities, pursue their interests, and participate fully in school life. Our inclusive environment fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment for all pupils.
  • Parents: We are committed to keeping parents informed and involved in their child’s education journey. Our SEND page provides resources, updates, and communication channels to ensure that parents are well-supported in understanding and advocating for their child’s needs.

For families considering Kents Hill Park School for their child, our SEND page offers insight into our inclusive approach and commitment to supporting students with varying needs. 

In-class support and interventions

We understand that each child is unique, and we offer a range of interventions to support students with SEND. Our dedicated team of professionals works collaboratively to identify and implement the most effective strategies for each individual.

At the core of our approach is high-quality teaching. Our teachers are trained to use adaptive teaching strategies that cater to the diverse learning needs of all students. By providing a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, we ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

In some cases, additional support may be required. We are committed to embedding more personalised interventions for students with SEND to address their specific needs. These interventions are tailored to the individual, ensuring that they receive the support necessary to thrive academically and socially. We believe in the importance of monitoring and reviewing interventions to track progress effectively. Our team regularly assesses the impact of interventions and makes adjustments as needed to ensure that students are making continuous progress towards their goals.

Useful contacts

Staff / Area of expertise

Mrs. F Berzins- SENCO & Assistant Headteacher

Mrs. S Pillay- SENCO & Assistant Headteacher

Mrs. N Taylor- SEND Administrator

Links with Other Services 

Effective working links will also be maintained with other local services including the Educational Psychology Service and other Local Authority services. 

1. The Milton Keynes Local Authority local offer is available on its website by following this link:  https://www.mksendlocaloffer.co.uk/

The local offer is listed on the Milton Keynes council website and provides key information for parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) in Milton Keynes. It exists to inform parents/carers about the support and provision that is available across local settings. Kents Hill Park School’s SEN Information Report details the support and provision provided and on offer.

2. Impartial advice is available from SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) through this link: https://mksendias.org.uk/

SEND Policy and Information report