Behaviour and Culture


Kents Hill Park School is a centre of educational excellence, committed to providing the best educational experience for every pupil. Each member of the Kents Hill Park School community has the right, and responsibility, to ensure that the traditional values of respect and courtesy are maintained.

All members of the Kents Hill Park School community are committed to a policy of positive behaviour management. Pupils are rewarded for demonstrating the required attitudes for learning and the consistent application of consequences ensures that a positive learning environment is maintained.

Further details around behaviour and culture can be found within the below policies:



Behaviour Management

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion

Uniform and Equipment

We are also proud to sign up to the Milton Keynes Behaviour Charter . All secondary schools in Milton Keynes have signed up to the Charter which demonstrates our belief that every child deserves the right to a good education and to achieve this schools, parents and pupils should all work together to best support the young people of Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes’ secondary schools believe that all pupils deserve a disruption free learning environment. Schools and the professionals within them will not tolerate behaviour that goes against the aims of this Behaviour Charter and will deploy strategies to support and promote positive behaviours.