Beyond Year 11

You must stay in some type of education or training until you are 18. There are many options available when you turn 16, look at what option best suits you and your situation, strengths and interests.

You may be eligible for the  16 to 19 Bursary Fund, which can help with things like books, travel or equipment if you will struggle with education or training costs.

If you have an  Education Health and Care (EHC) plan  there may be different and more suitable options available to you.

Continue your studies

You could take a work-related course that will give you skills and work experience. Some courses keep your options open by giving you the chance to study different subjects. You may need specific qualifications for your career choice, so always do some research.

Combine work and study

Improve your skills, get work experience and gain the qualifications that employers need.

Continue Your Studies

A Levels

Description: Study a subject you took at GCSE in greater depth or choose a new one like economics, law or psychology. You could take 3 broad subjects you are interested in to keep your career options open or choose ones you need for a specific career.

Duration: 2 years

Assessment: Mostly exams at the end of the course

Level of study: 3

Entry requirements: Course dependent, typically 5 GCSEs Grade 9-4 (usually including English and maths)

Work experience: Usually 1 week during year 12

Leads to: University/college, higher and degree apprenticeships, work

Find out more:  UCAS Information about A levels 

T Levels

Description: Designed in partnership with employers to give you the skills and knowledge to get on in the workplace. Combines classroom learning with industry placements to prepare you for skilled work or higher level study. 1 T Level is the equivalent of 3 A levels.

Duration: 2 years

Assessment: Exams, projects and practical assignments

Level of study: 3

Entry requirements: Course dependent

Work experience: At least 45 days on industry placement

Leads to: University/college, higher and degree apprenticeships, work

Find out more: information about T Levels 

Technical and vocational qualifications

Description: Qualifications which teach you how to do tasks specifically related to the industry and role you want to be involved in.

Duration: Course dependent

Assessment: Can include coursework, skills tests and exams

Level of study: 1+

Entry requirements: Course dependent

Work experience: Course dependent

Leads to: Apprenticeship, work, college or university

Find out more: Speak to your local provider or talk to an adviser 

Applied qualifications

Description: Qualifications that give you a broad overview of working in a specific sector, like business, media, engineering, leisure or science and technology. A mix of classroom-based learning with the chance to get some practical skills.

Duration: Course dependent

Assessment: Course dependent (coursework and exams)

Level of study: 3

Entry requirements: Yes

Work experience: Course dependent

Leads to: University/college, apprenticeship, work

Find out more: information about applied qualifications 

Exam retakes

Description: If you didn’t get the results you wanted, you can resit some of your courses or sign up for some new qualifications.

Location: School sixth form, sixth form college or further education college

Duration: 1 year

Entry requirements: 16+

Qualifications:  Level 2 and 3 qualifications like GCSE, A level and BTEC

Leads to: Higher level or degree apprenticeship, further education, higher education, work

Find out more: Speak to your school or college careers leader or careers adviser or our careers advisers 

Combine Work and Study


Description: A course that includes a work placement that will get you ready for an apprenticeship or a job. You’ll get work experience and some help to apply for your next steps. You can also improve your maths and English skills. You’ll get work experience and some help to apply for whatever you do next.

Location: You’ll spend a minimum of 70 hours in a work placement with the rest of your time in college or a training centre

Duration: 6 weeks to 1 year

Entry requirements:  You need to be aged between 16 to 24 or up to 25 with an  Education Health and Care Plan with no higher than a  level 3 qualification

Qualifications: English, maths, digital and work-related qualifications

Leads to: Apprenticeship, further education, work

Find out more:

  • ask your local college or training provider
  • speak to your school careers adviser
  • speak to your Jobcentre Plus adviser if you receive benefits 
  • find a traineeship in your area 

Supported internships

Description: Supported internships are for young people with learning difficulties or learning disabilities, who need extra support to get a job.

Location: You’ll spend most of your time on placements with an employer, learning skills for work. You’ll also get help from a tutor and a job coach in college or with a specialist provider.

Duration: A minimum of 6 months

Entry requirements: Aged 16-24 with an  Education Health and Care Plan

Qualifications: GCSE English and maths

Leads to: Work, traineeship, apprenticeship

Find out more:

  • from your school or local college
  • speak to your social worker or a transition worker
  • speak to your Jobcentre Plus adviser 


Description: Intermediate, advanced higher and degree apprenticeships combine practical on-the-job skills training with off-the-job learning. You’ll get training that is relevant to your job and be paid a salary. Start at a level to suit you, with support if you have special needs or a disability.

Location: You’ll spend 80% of your time in the workplace and 20% off-the-job with some study in a college, training centre or Institute of Technology (IoT)

Duration: A minimum of 1 year

Entry requirements:  Will be dependent on the industry, job role and apprenticeship level

Qualifications: apprenticeship certificate, diploma, degree and masters depending on level

Leads to: Work, next level of apprenticeship, further education, higher education

Find out more: information about Apprenticeships 

School leaver schemes

Description: A chance to learn and train with a large company while earning a wage. Offered in sectors like accountancy, engineering, finance, IT, law, leisure and retail. Similar to graduate employment schemes run over a longer period of time.

Location: You’ll often rotate between different locations with the same company to get experience and it can include distance learning or time in college or university

Duration: 3 to 7 years

Entry requirements: Usually high grade A levels or equivalent and a keen interest in the sector you want to work in

Qualifications: A university degree and/or professional qualification

Leads to: Professional employment

Find out more: Directly from company websites